Amari Scruggs is a rising junior in at South County High School. She has dove for the Crosspointe Cruisers for three years and was a junior coach last season. She also dove for the high school dive team during her freshman and sophomore year. Amari is also a competitive gymnast; with eight years of experience in the USA gymnastics junior olympics track, she has also taken the time to choreograph many beam and floor routines for her teammates. In her spare time, she coordinates student volunteers at the Pohick Regional library and loves babysitting. Amari is very excited for the upcoming summer dive season!
Finn has been diving with Crosspointe Cruisers Dive Team since 2017. Last year, he was honored to receive the Cruiser Spirit Award. He just completed his first year on the varsity dive team at South County High School. Finn is also a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and rows on the High School Club Crew Team. He and his three younger siblings are excited to start their 10th summer as Cruisers. He is looking forward to a great summer of diving and helping the Cruisers have a fun and successful season.